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¾óƼ¸ÞÀÌÆ® ü¾î Å×½ºÆ® ·çƾ - The Ultimate Chair Test Routine
Á¦Á¶È¸»ç : Luca Volpe and Titanas
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý : 65,000¿ø
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<¹æ¼ÛÁ¦Ç°>ÀÎÇ÷§ ¿ÀÁî - Inflated Odds °×ºí·¯ - Gambler ³Ñ¹ö Ä«µå ¾Ø ŸÀÓ - Numbers, Cards... and Time! ³Ú½¼ ¸àÅ» ±â¹Í - Nelson Mental Gimic º¥±Û¶ó½º ÀÌÆåÆ® - Benglas Effect
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"Luca, WOW!!!!!!! This is a GREAT routine! I love it... So many hits and no back tracking for the spectators to follow. It is amazing thinking on your part and you should feel proud with your baby! I wished that I was able to have seen you performed this before I knew how you did it. You would have fooled me! This is different from other chair routines and that it is in a class all by itself. You have a winner here."
- Ray Noble

"This is a fantastic deal and a great routine: easy to do, no thinking, many spectators, like Chuck Hickok says, "Multiple moments of amazement" a lot of room for comedy, what more is there? GREAT STUFF!!"
- Jhon Cesta

"The routine in itself is well built and sound. If I can see myself performing it... I know it's good."
- Paolo Cavalli

"I too have had a chance to check this out and I must say it has a very nice flow. Each phase builds to a nice strong finish."
- Max Krause

"Great great great! I could not resist an got this immediately. I love the fact that, despite the numerous events happening, the routine is easy to follow, the dirty work is done long before the prediction is revealed and the build up shows very clever thinking and good structuring. Get this!"
- Stefan Magie

"I got my copy just in time it would seem. Let me say WOW!!! This is so much more than a simple chair routine. It is among the finest, if not the finest chair routine I have ever seen. A work of genius. Thanks Luca for releasing this one. I would have kept it hidden away for years before sharing it."
- Bill Montana


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