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Á¦Á¶È¸»ç : David Regal
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý : 110,000¿ø
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ºê·£µå : David Regal
ÀÏ·çÁ¯ Ä«µå ¹Ú½º - Illusion Card Box Ä«µå Åõ ¿ìµå ¹Ú½º - Card to Wood Box <¹æ¼Û Á¦Ç°>Ä«µå ¹Ú½º ¹ÙÀÌÅ· - Card Box Viking ¹ÙÅ· µµ±× - Barking Dog ÀÎÆ丣³ë - Inferno
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"David Regal's Clarity Box is the most magical revelation of a playing card I have seen. Trust me on that."
- Dean Dill

"Every once in a while, magicians strike gold. David Regal has created and produced the perfect close-up illusion."
- Jim Steinmeyer

"There have been several versions and improvements on the Bruno Hennig card box, but David Regal's version is one that I feel Bruno himself would highly approve of. It takes the effect to a different level. I'm certainly going to use it and if Fred Kaps were alive I'm sure he would do so also. It's the ultimate answer to an already ingenious revelation."
- Johnny Thompson - aka The Great Tomsoni

"The illusion is so complete, your brain will not even think 'switch'."
- John Bannon

"One of my favorite tricks made better by one of my favorite magicians. Regal's take on the Card in the Box effect is shear genius."
- Mike Caveney

"Brilliant. So good you'll perform it for yourself."
- R. Paul Wilson

"Regal has done it again. The Clarity Box is clearly amazing and utterly, totally, 100% fooling."
- Andy Nyman

"I am very impressed by the thinking that went into The Clarity Box. David Regal is diabolical."
- Lance Burton

"David has taken a major step forward with Clarity; he's really thinking "inside the box." Nothing is hidden, everything is transparent - except the method! Bruno Hennig and Fred Kaps would themselves have been fooled."
- Simon Aronson

"Illusions are never clear; this must be magic."
- Dave Buck

"With The Clarity Box, David Regal has taken a classic trick that was already perfect... and made it BETTER."
- John Lovick

"This is really clever. I want one!"
- Eugene Burger

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